🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code

Is it possible to work all the muscles in your body and significantly increase your physical fitness in 30 minutes?
With TRX it is! Try a training plan, which will help you strengthen your whole body in many planes. And moreover, you will enjoy it.
What is TRX Suspension Training
TRX suspension training keeps gaining popularity. Visitors of fitness centres, wellness spas and gyms, who are looking for something new in the fitness world, show more and more interest to try this revolutionary equipment.
TRX has been the most wanted fitness equipment for last few years. It is a product that should not be missing in an equipment of every coach or fitness center.
Considering that it is always possible to change the resistance by adjusting the position of your body, the TRX exercise is safe and effective even for people on different fitness levels.

TRX Workout routine – 30 minute TRX Total Body Workout Plan
Even top athletes perceive the TRX workouts very positively and with respect. They realized very quickly that thanks to TRX they develop endurance strength by means of functional moves and dynamic positions, not just standing, sitting or lying as with the traditional isolated exercises.
TRX offers a range of intense moves that work the abdominal muscles, back, shoulder, chest and leg muscles. TRX training is constantly working the whole body.
Efficiency of the TRX Workout
TRX delivers maximum results in a minimal period of time, and it will help you to build a slim and strong body. Suspension training develops physical strength while using functional movements and dynamic positions.
While doing sports and everyday exercise, we always move in many ways. Exercising with TRX Suspension System allows us to do some exercises in these ways, as well as we do when we live. Muscle mass increases steadily, which reduces the risk of injury and enhances our performance.
With TRX you can exercise anywhere
Thanks to TRX you can exercise at home without the need to travel to the fitness center and back. You don’t waste time and energy searching for fitness machines or weights.
Compact and lightweight design of TRX allows you to use it anywhere you like. You can even hang it on the door.

TRX straps can be mount everywhere
Reduction of your own body weight and gravity adapts to your physical fitness the way that you move your body closer or away from the anchor point. You don’t have to go for another set of dumbbells or add greater weight on a fitness machine. You simply change the position of your feet. It still allows you to perform your demanding training.
You can exercise whole body, perform exercises improving iflexbility, strength or explosiveness. You can even perform exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, TRX squats and thrusts.
You can perform infinite number of exercises with one single piece of equipment.

TRX Trainers Vs. Resistance Training: The Full Comparison
What are the differences between TRX training and resistance band training, and which is better? Our detailed comparison shows the advantages of each.
TRX builds a strong and stable body (CORE)

During every exercise, you involve your body (CORE), which is the basis of all efficient and effective human body movements.
Everything you do in your life starts with the core. You bend down to pick up a pen on the ground, wash a car or play basketball with the kids.
The CORE provides stability and flexibility of the body.
The main parts of the CORE include:
- abdominal area,
- back, ABS,
- chest and pelvis
How was TRX developed?
TRX was originally developed like a versatile system providing full-body strengthening even in extreme conditions by American military and special forces.

TRX Military Fitness Program
As soldiers were spending most of their time on ships or in submarines, they were forced to train in small premises with a limited possibility of training equipment.

How was the TRX Suspension Trainer created?
Randy Hetrick is the creator of the TRX Suspension Trainer, but….the elements of modern exercise philosophy known as suspension training have existed in various forms already for hundreds of years.
In short time period they laid foundations of a training, which provided entirely new and original category of functional training.
Randy Hetrick is the creator of the TRX Suspension Trainer, but….the elements of modern exercise philosophy known as suspension training have existed in various forms already for hundreds of years.
Who uses TRX bands?
People have adopted the TRX Suspension Training and group courses are very successful in many countries around the world.

TRX Training System is very popular fitness equipment
TRX is a cornerstone of training programs of hundreds of professional athletes in football, baseball, basketball, hockey (try TRX Training for hockey – strength and conditioning program [PDF]), martial arts, triathlon, golf, tennis, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, surfing or motocross competitions.
Many coaches of well-known celebrities have included the TRX Suspension Training into the regular workout of their clients. And they have amazing results.
Wellness centers adopted TRX into programs for senior citizens, because exercising enables older people to move without fear of falling down.
Physiotherapists use TRX exercises to rehabilitate patients in hospital centers and sports medical clinics.
About the 30-minute TRX Total Body Workout
👇 How the 30 minute TRX training is structured 👇
1) Lower Body Exercises
Lower body work on the TRX integrates core activation and results in more effective training for strength, stability and power.
Because some percentage of bodyweight is unloaded onto the TRX, lower body exercises can be performed through greater ranges of motion safely with less stress. In addition, Suspension Training allows for unilateral (single) leg training in more variations, which delivers more effective results than any other training tool. Unilateral leg training is appropriate for all levels of fitness and performance training to teach and improve movement, flexibility, strength, agility and power.

30-minute TRX Basic Total Body Workout
2) Upper Body Exercises
Many upper body exercises on the TRX resemble other types of traditional pressing and pulling movements, but the whole body integration and core activation makes them extremely effective at building functional strength.

5 Advanced TRX Exercises to Build Strength
Do you want to build your strength, improve your core stability, flexibility, balance, and endurance all at once? Try these advanced TRX exercises!
👇 How to setup TRX 👇
TRX Length Adjustment
The TRX Suspension Trainer is lengthened or shortened to enable a wide variety of exercises and accommodate all ranges of motion.

The optimal length of the TRX depends on the user’s size and the exercise. For each exercise, adjust the TRX length as described below:
LONG — Fully lengthen so the bottom of each foot crandle is about three inches (7,6 cm) off the ground.
MID CALF — Adjust the straps so the bottom of each foot crandle is at mid calf level, roughly 8 to 12 inches (20,3 to 30,5 cm) off the ground.
MID LENGTH — Adjust the straps to mid length by positioning the adjustment tabs to the middle of the Suspension Trainer main strap (double yellow mark).
SHORT — Fully shorten the straps by positioning the adjustment tabs at the top of the Suspension Trainer main strap (one embroidered mark).
OVER SHORTENED — From the fully shortened position depress the cam buckles and pull up on the outside strap between the cam buckle up to the locking loop.
💡 Always make sure the straps are not twisted before adjusting. This will avoid having a twisted strap pull through the D-Ring.
How to anchor TRX straps at home or outdoors?
You have one of TRX Suspension trainers at home, you have prepared a support structure where to anchor TRX, but you are not sure whether you have your TRX system anchored correctly and safely?

TRX installation – How to capture TRX Suspension Trainer
Make sure you have the right a safe TRX accessories before you start your workout. There are multiple options, from permanent to semi-permanent to portable, to best fit your needs. Check out various options, from permanent to semi-permanent to portable, to best meet your needs.

TRX Installation – How To Set Up TRX at Home or Outside?
How to anchor TRX properly? TRX bands can be captured anywhere. Read more to find out how can be TRX anchored correctly and safely.

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code
Train save — 8 Most Common Mistakes during the TRX Workout
Correct technique of your TRX workout is very important, therefore, you should not underestimate it. It should be applied to any training session.
Apart from getting better your performance (faster throw, hit or run), your high-quality training also serves as a protection of your organism against injury. Whether we exercise with weights in a gym or with the TRX System at home.
Incorrect implementation of TRX exercises may lead to back pain or joint pain. At the same time, effectiveness of carried out exercises, and of entire TRX workout, is reduced.
Below are common mistakes made when performing exercises on the TRX Suspension Trainer. Good cueing will fix them all.
1. Incorrect start of the TRX exercise

Incorrect start of the TRX exercise
First mistake is the start of the TRX workout itself, when it is necessary to specify a correct body position, so the TRX workout itself can take place smoothly.
Correct techniques can be achieved with controlled movements. In case of jerky movements, there is a risk of injury of back muscles.
Find the correct body position and feet position.
2. Incorrect end of the TRX exercise

Incorrect end of the TRX exercise
Second mistake is the ending of the TRX exercise. Customize your physical stress by reducing your own body weight and gravity.
If you don´t have enough strength to smoothly complete your TRX repetition, move your body and feet back from the anchoring point. Reduce the angle between your body and the ground and reduce the strain this way. Last few repetitions in the series allow you to perform a demanding training.
Reduce your physical stress by reducing the angle between your body and the ground. Carry out several repetitions.
3. Insufficiently tight straps

Keep tension on the TRX straps at all times.
TRX straps should be kept tight during implementation of the exercise. Loose and slack straps reduce the intensity of movement and make your TRX training ineffective.
Keep the straps tight throughout the exercise
4. Do not allow TRX straps to rub against arms

Move hands higher to prevent rubbing
Another mistake is reflected mainly during implementation of chest pressures (TRX Chest Press). During the TRX suspension, our hands are too low, and we touch TRX straps with our arms.
This induces a feeling of greater stability and straps chafe against our arms during the exercise.
Raise your arms slightly up, so you prevent touching TRX straps with your arms.
5. Avoid slippage of straps in the TRX loop

Keep equal pressure on both handles at all times.
While carrying out the exercise, keep the straps tight and develop sufficient pressure on the TRX loop, so you avoid slippage of straps.
The straps are NOT a pulley. DO NOT perform sawing motions.
6. Use embroidered yellow marks

Use embroidered yellow marks
Yellow marks embroidered on TRX straps serve as a guide for correct TRX length setting. Every exercise requires different length of straps.
Some exercises are more effective at the maximum length of straps (so-called: LONG = TRX maximum length).
Shorter setting is appropriate for another exercises (so-called: MID LENGHT = double yellow mark) or short TRX (SHORT = one embroidered mark).
TRX length may vary depending on the height of the trainee.Yellow marks should be levelled on both straps. This will help you to keep your straps tight.
Use yellow marks for correct length setting of your TRX.
7. Your legs and feet are too small for cradle supports

Reduce cradle supports
It may happen that you have a smaller size of feet.
Reduce cradle supports by wrapping around the handles.
Your legs and feet are too small for cradle supports. Wrap the support around the foam / rubber handle twice. It will reduce the loop you insert your foot in. Your stability will be increased. This trick is also suitable during barefoot exercising.
✅ Ready for the Workout? Let’s go!
With the training routine below, you will strengthen your whole body in many planes of movement by using highly integrated movements.

TRX total strength and conditioning workout program
The intensity of each exercise can be modified by selecting stance, choosing body angles and workout procedure.
For beginners we recommend choosing smaller body angles. You can also lengthen the workout intervals, shorten the rest intervals or increase demands on the cardiovascular system.
The cycle shown below lasts approximately 30 minutes and it is divided into 3 rounds. Repeat each training round 2x before you move on to the next one.
0️⃣ TRX Warm Up Exercises
Before any physical activity, it is necessary to warm up sufficiently. A warm-up serves as an adaptation of the whole body to a physical strain and strenuous performance.

Dynamic warm up exercises using TRX Suspension Trainer
The point is to produce heat in the body and muscles. This phase is a necessary part of every training session. Better flexibility and mobility of the body can help lower the risk of injury.
The dynamic stretching trend today is an attempt to perform all exercises in movement, instead of mere static stretching.
1️⃣ First round
of the free TRX workout plan for beginners
trx low row | 10 REPS | 15 SEC REST |
trx chest press | 10 REPS | 15 SEC REST |
trx biceps curl | 10 REPS | 15 SEC REST |
trx triceps press | 10 REPS | 15 SEC REST |
trx power pull | 5 REPS EACH SIDE | 1 MINUTE REST |
repeat round
2️⃣ Second round
of the free TRX workout plan for beginner
repeat round
3️⃣ Third round
of the free TRX workout plan for beginners
repeat round
Printable PDF version of the TRX Workout

Download your daily TRX workout plan [PDF]:

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code
Keep in Mind These Tips
Are you not sure if is this TRX training suitable for you? Read the reviews of this 30 minute TRX training plan below. This training is suitable for both TRX beginners and advanced trainees.
The individual TRX exercises are compiled so that the whole body is worked. It is a universal TRX training, which you can perform at home, at the gym or while travelling.
Complete beginners are recommended to take at least 5 lessons with a professional TRX trainer. This way, you will learn:
- how to set and mount your TRX safely
- how to avoid mistakes when exercising on TRX
- how to breathe properly
- you will familiarize yourself with the effective principles of the suspension training
TRX training is designed for complete beginners as well as for elite athletes. Exercises can be escalated easily. The load can be set according to your body position.

How to use TRX Suspension Trainer
Human body is made for making movements. While exercising with TRX bands, your muscle mass increases proportionally and steadily, what reduces the risk of injury and enhances performance. TRX allows a wide range of suspension techniques, which can be carried out anywhere, at any time and by anyone.
Whether your goal is rehabilitation after injuries, increasing overall physical fitness or top competition, go for it with the TRX Suspension Training.
TRX Gear
TRX is composed of two fixed straps of adjustable length with handles for hands or feet. Workout itself is performed the way that one part of the body is always on the pad (which is usually placed on the ground) and the second one is suspended on TRX.

TRX Suspension Straps
TRX trainer is portable and brings more functionality than large and expensive machines that cost from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands crowns.

- adapted for home utilization and individuals
- provides effective full-body workout at home or on the road
- you receive procedures and personal video trainings for your PC, tablets and mobiles FREE OF CHARGE

TRX® Tactical Gym
- Suitable for home, military and commercial purposes
- includes comprehensive program of elite military units
- you receive application for intensive military video-training for your PC, tablets and mobiles FREE OF CHARGE

TRX® PRO 4 System
- adapted to fitness centers and for commercial use
- the most resistant of whole TRX series with more grappling options
- you obtain verified procedures and on-line teaching videos intended for TRX instructors and coaches FREE OF CHARGE
Where to buy TRX® Suspension Trainer?
All Genuine TRX® Trainers are available on TRXtraining.com
You can buy any original (genuine) TRX® Suspension Trainer ONLY online!

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code

Group-based Training
Try entertaining and innovative group exercise with TRX under the leadership of great trainers. You will learn basic principles of the suspension system.
You will enjoy this training and will certainly come back to attend TRX lessons.
Training at home
All TRX bands provide a possibility to carry out effective and functional exercises in domestic conditions. Personal Video – Your coach will guide you through the training.
You can play it on any equipment including computers, tablets or mobile phones.

TRX Training reviews
These are your real stories a reviews of this 30 minute TRX workout. Thank you very much for you feedback, I look forward to hearing from you.
Lukas Dubina, founder of CoreTrainingTips.com
TRX Success Stories
Hi Lukas,
I am from Greece and immigrated to UK recently. I have been using TRX for a couple of months last year and started over again now. The PDF is the most helpful guide for home exercise. Thank you very much!!
Kind regards,
LukasThank you for your email and yes I did receive and download the workout. I am a triathlete and have been truant for a year by “just” doing the swim, bike, run training and have done no strength or cross training. I recently joined the gym for the first time in 20 years for the pool for winter workouts.
As part of that I received a free Personal training session and they exposed me to the TRX bands that I think will have a significant impact on my strength training.
Hi Lukáš,
I downloaded your TRX exercises many thanks for sharing this useful training. I look forward to new TRX exercise trainings…
Kind regards
Thank you Lukas. I have read through your workout plans and they are really helpful to me. I’m a rugby player but have been juggling work and training so a friend helped me with some TRX to help me do my workout at home and same time. I’m trying to do a fitness weight loss program to working class.
Thanks Lukas,
I am working out at a gym with TRX among other equipment. I had a personal trainer for 8 years, but had to quit because of a move. He used TRX all the time with me. I wanted to get information about different exercises. Your site seemed to have the best information.I am 70 years of age and retired. I am only interested in strength and balance at this time. I also ride a bike some days. I love it, but my current location does not have many safe biking alternatives so I have not been riding as much as I would like.
Thanks for keeping me in your loop.
Al McCutchan
Hello Lukas!My name is Pavel. I’m 36 YO Russian. Purchased my TRX about 2 years ago when didn’t have enough opportunities to visit a gym. I was a little bit sceptical about TRX and considered it as additional training devices for trips or busy days. But then realised how difficult workout for TRX can be, I changed my mind. Want to develop a good workout program for me to change the gym with home trainings on TRX (small kids can’t let me train regularly as in the past) to maintain my shape and strength. I don’t want to gain more muscles, just to keep what I have. That is how and what for I found your site.
Best regards,
Golubev Pavel
HiThank you! I´ve got it!
I will be studying a few months aboard in France and I won´t be paying a gym, I only have one TRX at home so this will be really helpful.
Hi!Thanks for the email. Yes I got your first email. I actually teach TRX at my local gym, so I am always researching new moves to use during TRX class.
Heidi Cade
Hi my name is Magda, thanks for exercise.
I have TRX for a year but now I am planning to start training on it. I’ve been practicing for about 4 years and they are training at the gym and training at home. I have some weights, kettlebell and TRX at home. I hope you understand what I write to you because my English is not very well. I have problems with my back that is why I started do exercise. What can I say else? Today I have pilates training at the gym, maybe tomorrow TRX?
Take care, Magda
Hi Lukas,
I am 56 and just getting into training again and like the TRX straps, looking to do circuits with them found your website, which has give me more of an insight how to use them.Thank you.
Hi, Lukas!I’ve recently bought a TRX in order to try to work out from home. Also it’s an attempt in saving some precious cash every month, not paying for a gym. hahaha I’ve done some research on some TRX workouts through Google and yours was the one that caught my attention the most. I’ve only done it 2x so far, I hope I can give you a better feedback soon.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Cheers from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I bought the TRX before deploying to Afghanistan, and used it while I was there. I then loaned it to another soldier. Somewhere along the way the manual disappeared. And that’s why I needed a new copy of the workouts.
Thanks, Dan
I am a 6 ft 0 inch 64-year-old man who joined Gold’s Gym on 06/01/16 weighing 234 pounds. On that same day, I also started on a ketogenic diet. I went on to lose 50 pounds and I feel great.I had the goal of completing the hike to The Royal Arch in Boulder, CO with my grandson, Dillon. I had tried three times before when I was overweight and out of shape, and had to quit about half way through. I’m glad to say my grandson, my son (his dad), and I made the hike rather easily before winter set in! I attached a photo of us with The Royal Arch in the background.
Having used the TRX system at Gold’s Gym, I decided to purchase my own, and now have it in my basement suspended from the ceiling. I had no idea such a great workout was available with TRX until I used them at the gym.
I am looking forward to learning from you and getting in even better shape.
Thank you for this TRX program!
Scott Longmont, CO
Hi LukasI have printed out the workout and should be receiving my TRX Pro 4 by UPS today. I can’t wait to start.
Thank you and I will continue to read and what you send out.