🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code

Working out to tone your body is one of the important steps of having a healthier life. Reducing body fat to define each muscle on your body will require specific workouts and healthy meals. Making plans on your body goals will help to decide which exercise will suit you the best.
Body strength comes from legs. Massive thighs are pillars of the figure. Hence include the leg training in as one of the most important phases of training.
Why are there so few exercisers who include squats, and leg training in general, in their training plans? There may be many reasons, but these two are the most common ones:
- Leg workout is physically very demanding, so that’s why many prefer to avoid it
- Irrational thinking that no one looks at legs. Developed chest and massive arms are amazing, but what carries you all your life?
Squats are ideal way how to exercise leg muscles
Squats will exercise all major muscle groups with an emphasis on quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, calves, abdomen and lower back. Leg workout accelerates metabolism and increases muscle mass (hypertrophy) of the trunk and arms.

TRX squat – this is the most popular variation / photo: trxtraining.com
Leg workout is the most challenging training, because legs are the largest muscle group.
Leg workout delivers the body the greatest stress and, at the same time, also the greatest incentive to grow.
Ways to Tone Your Legs with TRX
Using suspension trainers like a TRX you can do full-body workouts by using straps and your bodyweight. If you are on a leg day according to your fitness plan, try some of our exercise tips that can help you to tone your legs with TRX (which is probably one of the best home gym equipment that you will ever have.)
TRX squats while using your own body weight are the safest form of leg workout. They are greatly suitable for adolescents, who still haven´t completed their development.
1. TRX Squats
Working exercise for glute muscles can also have an impact on your legs. Doing exercises that contract more than one group of muscles will help you to get faster to your body goal.
With TRX Squats you will burn up your lower body after just one set.

TRX squats – ideal way how to exercise leg muscles • photo: Fitness Anywhere
💪 Exercise Description: | Slight astride posture, arms raised forward, grasp TRX in front of your body, palms together – squat, raise arms upwards, palms together. |
💪 Exercise Technique: | Medium-length TRX, we try to push buttocks down and involve them while going up, while leaning more backwards we exercise front thighs more intensively. Back straight, right angle at knees. |
💪 Physiological Effect: | We exercise gluteal muscles and the two-headed and the four-headed muscles of the thigh. |
Video: How to do TRX Squats
TRX Squats • video: www.youtube.comHold on TRX straps and bring your glute towards the floor keeping your spine firm and vertical. Engage glute and leg muscles by bringing your body up from the squat.
Simple and challenging for lower body muscles. You can repeat this exercise in sets, counting them or including timer like 30 seconds of TRX Squats.

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code
2. TRX One Leg Squat
TRX One leg squat is extremely important for perfect sports performances like running and jumping. At the same time, it is important to exercise unilaterally to rectify deficiencies between the right and the left leg. One of the ways how we can exercise one leg strength is “TRX single leg squat exercise”.

TRX Single leg Squat • foto: Brandon Gugala • www.flickr.com
💪 Exercise Description: | Stand on the left leg, the right one raised upwards, arms raised upwards, grasp TRX in front of your body, palms together – single leg squat. |
💪 Exercise Technique: | Medium-length TRX, heel of the stance leg on the ground, back straight, engage gluteal muscles. |
💪 Physiological Effect: | We exercise gluteal muscles and the two-headed and the four-headed muscle of the thigh. This exercise allows greater motion range, TRX is used to maintain balance. |
Video: TRX One Leg Squat
TRX One leg Squat • video: www.youtube.com
What Is The Difference Between TRX Suspension Trainers – Which Is The Best and Which To Buy?
It is difficult to differentiate and choose from the different TRX suspension trainers available. This comparison guide can help you determine which is the right one for you – TRX Home vs TRX PRO vs TRX Tactical.
3. TRX Squat Jumps
Benefits: This workout will start your metabolism at the maximum. You exercise and shape all leg muscles. This workout is suitable for explosiveness, better physical condition and supports fat burning.

TRX jump squats exercises > Benefits: This workout will start your metabolism at the maximum • photo: Fitness Anywhere

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code

💪 Exercise Description: | Slight astride posture, arms raised forward, grasp TRX in front of your body, palms together – squat, raise your arms upwards, palms together, jump. |
💪 Exercise Technique: | Medium-length TRX, we try to push buttocks down and involve them while going up, while leaning more backwards we exercise front thighs more intensively. Back straight, right angle at knees.
Jump into the air while exhaling. It is very important to keep your back straight during whole period of the exercise. Stand straight with feet apart slightly more than the width of your shoulders. Point toes forward and slightly apart. Back shall be stabilized in the natural curvature, weight lies on heels. Knees and hips bend, so buttocks move towards the ground. The effort is to achieve the maximum height above the floor. As soon as the feet are back on the floor and the toes touch the ground, absorb the impact while progressively taking position at the lower part of the squat. Repeat the exercise without a break. |
💪 Physiological Effect: | We exercise gluteal muscles and the two-headed and the four-headed muscles of the thigh, calves and hamstrings. |
This exercise is suitable for HIIT workouts
Video: TRX Squat Jumps
How to do TRX jump squats properly:
Advanced version: Try TRX Single Leg Jump
Single leg jumps were always challenging exercise and one of the favorites to cardio trainers. With these exercises, you will practice balance and boost your leg muscles.

TRX jump squats increase your explosive power, improve upper and lower body strength.
Exercise Description: Hold the handles of TRX in front of you and step back in a low lunge position so that the other leg is stand out behind you. Pull extended leg towards the chest and jump at the same time. Repeat the same exercise on the other leg.
Exercise Technique: Medium-length TRX, stand facing the anchor point length adjustment.
🚀 Bonus TRX exercises
Love to Tone Your Legs with TRX? Try these three more TRX leg exercises:
1) TRX Hamstring Curls
Doing some TRX Hamstring Curls exercise you will tone up your legs, tighten your thighs and get yourself beautiful firm glutes.

How to exercise TRX hamstring curl / Photo: TRXtraining.com
💪 Exercise Description | Lay on your back, put your feet in TRX strap, lift your hips and make a plank position. Using hamstrings, bring in your knees towards the chest without changing the hip position. It does seem to look challenging, but that is your goal. Repeat this exercise several times, and you will feel burning in your thighs and how muscles are tightening. |
Video: How to exercise TRX Hamstring Curls
2) TRX Mountain Climbers
Repeating several TRX Mountain Climbers will strengthen your core muscles and burn lower body fat fast. You will get to tone your legs, strengthen your core and firm your arms as well.

TRX Mountain Climbers Exercise
💪 Exercise Description | Get into a pushup position by putting your feet into TRX foot cradle. Pull your knee towards your chest and engage your core while you are doing that. Then just push your leg back behind you. Do the same exercise on your other leg, and you got yourself TRX Mountain Climbers. |

TRX mountain climber technique / photo: TRXtraining.com
A challenging but very exciting exercise that will power up your entire body.
3) TRX Lunges
Doing lunges was always the best exercise for leg days.
TRX Lunges and TRX Step Back Lunges are versatile exercises that leverage your body weight and gravity when performed with TRX Suspension Trainers. These exercises are excellent for enhancing lower body strength, stability, and flexibility.
Adding TRX Lunges to your fitness plan will help you to maintain firms of your thighs and calves.
Exercise variations:
3.1) TRX Lunges

TRX Lunges
💪 Exercise Description |
3.2) TRX Step Back Lunges

TRX Step Back Lunges
💪 Exercise Description |

TRX Lunge Variations
Benefits of TRX Lunges
- Enhanced Balance and Stability: Engages core and stabilizing muscles, improving overall balance.
- Strengthens Lower Body: Targets quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, enhancing lower body strength and endurance.
- Boosts Flexibility: Improves range of motion and flexibility in the hips and spine.
- Promotes Core Engagement: Strengthens abdominal muscles and the core, aiding in better posture and alleviating lower back pain.
- Functional Movement: Mimics everyday movements, making it a practical exercise for daily life.

TRX Workouts – How To Strengthen The Whole Body in 30 Minutes
Is it possible to work all the muscles in your body in 30 minutes? Try a training plan, which will help you strengthen your whole body. And moreover, you will enjoy it.
Whether you are a weight lifter or a cardio lover, every exercise will improve your body’s health. If you have to sit all day on your job, doing leg exercises will help you to lose those intentions and to tone your lower muscles. With TRX suspension trainer you will be in top shape and succeed to maintain your body goals.

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code