🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code

Original product with all the safety certificates and for a really good price. These are two basic characteristics of news on the market with tools for functional training – TRX® GO Suspension Trainer Kit.
The easiest product from the „family“ TRX®
Installation of TRX® GO Suspension Trainer takes you literally only one minute. Anywhere in the world! Only 60 seconds (and less!) and the possibility of several tens of exercise variations.
The content of the TRX® GO package
In the TRX® GO package you will find everything you need for a better body:

TRX® GO package
- TRX® GO Suspension Trainer – Workout anywhere
- Door anchor – Use your TRX FIT on any sturdy door
- Suspension anchor – Set up your TRX FIT anywhere you go
- Setup and usage video – Use your key to access the “Setup and Use” Video
- Mesh carry bag – Take your TRX FIT Suspension Trainer with you, anywhere, in this convenient storage bag
- Workout poster – Includes two 20‐minute Workouts

What Is The Difference Between TRX Suspension Trainers – Which Is The Best and Which To Buy?
It is difficult to differentiate and choose from the different TRX suspension trainers available. This comparison guide can help you determine which is the right one for you – TRX Home vs TRX PRO vs TRX Tactical.
Why TRX® GO?
It is a valid answer of the producer of the original tool TRX® to the load of dangerous fakes which are available.
TRX® is not called „whole gym in one bag„ just so. Benefits, development of muscles of the „core“, proportional growth of muscles – and lowering the injury risk and increasing performance – all these are advantages of exercise on TRX®.
Then, there is increasing power, coordination and others.

TRX GO Suspension Training Kit – one solution… many benefits
Thanks to TRX® Suspension Trainer, you may fulfill various sport goals from rehabilitation to improvement of specific movement necessary for topo performance in the competition.
In comparison with the version TRX Home, it differs with its weight and package content.

TRX® GO vs TRX® HOME Kit – Which one is better?
Thanks to lower price, there was saving on the material, which is not so robust as in other version. Anyway, it makes no difference to quality and safety of the product. TRX GO is lighter, anyway.
The access to educational videos is to be found in package TRX GO poster on the wall. It shows basic TRX exercises including two 20 minute trainings.

If you are looking for cheap TRX with the guarantee of safety, TRX GO is a right choice.

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code
Beware of fake TRX
TRX® GO is an original product which may compete with the price on the black market.

At the same time, it has all important features of other original products.

Cheap Fake TRX: How to spot a genuine TRX from a counterfeit
TRX Fake vs. TRX Real: Simple instructions that will help you distinguish a safe TRX® ORIGINAL product from its counterfeit.
Who is TRX® GO for?
TRX® GO Suspension Trainer is perfectly suitable for the home use as well as a tool for sport clubs, their pupils, teenage and juniors. In comparison with fake copies, it is a safe product. When used correctly, there is no danger of injury.

The TRX® GO Suspension Trainer weighs one lb
It is more suitable for individuals with its equipment and materials. We recommend TRX PRO Kit for commercial use in fitness centers where several people with various weights alternate on TRX.
How does TRX® work?
TRX® is a product which should not be absent in the equipment of any fitness trainer. In the last years, TRX® is the most wanted fitness equipment of functional training.
TRX is original equipment using only the weight of the person as a dominant factor for weight when exercising. You can set it easily by setting the position of the body.
It consists of two firm slings of distance with handle for hands and feet which may be set. This exercise is thus suitable for beginners, top sportsman, children, teenage and juniors.
TRX enables three dimensional movements and you will join muscles of all body.

The whole gym is thus packed into one bag. TRX was originally used for military purposes and until now the soldiers carry it all around the world to keep fit.
You can capture TRX anywhere
At home, on a tree or football net. There are tailor made TRX constructions for gyms. Do you want to join dynamic training into your fitness lessons?
TRX Anchoring Solutions

There are multiple options, from permanent to semi-permanent to portable, to best fit your needs. Make sure you have the right TRX accessories before you start to train.
Check our TRX Training Safety Guidelines

🎁 How to apply the TRX Training Discount Code
You can start with TRX® at home on your own
The TRX mobile application is at disposal for correct exercise.

Only the weight of your body…
You and never ending set of varied exercise. Equipment, which will give you self-confidence and you will never be bored with it.