For first-time mothers, it is a surprising realization that their bodies take so much time to get back to their normal body figure. To many, this is a cause for alarm as they try to get used to the new transformation of their bodies, coupled with the stress of nursing a newborn.
However, getting back in shape need not be a hard task. With a little determination and the willingness to follow stipulated guidelines will trim down your weight within the shortest time possible.
On that note, here are healthy tips on how to effectively lose that extra pounds.
Regular Exercise
Exercise plays a very important role in getting back in shape. Although the last thing you want to hear after giving birth is engaging in strenuous workouts, guided exercises are key in bouncing back to the beautiful shape you had.
It is advisable to rest after giving birth, but you can start with simple tasks such as having short strolls around the park with your baby.
After a few weeks, you can start going for morning jogs within short distances, then slowly shift to longer distances. When exercising, be sure to take plenty of water; this keeps you hydrated and puts you up with the breastfeeding.
Another form of workout, which helps to strengthen your lower abdomen muscles, pelvis, and back, is the pelvic floor exercises.

Pelvic Bridge
These include:
- Pelvic Tilt – This exercise is very important and can be taken after a week or a few weeks postpartum. It brings back the strength of your abdomen and improves the stamina of the abdominal muscles as well.
- Pelvic Bridge – This exercise can be added to your workout plan, six weeks after giving birth. The pelvic bridge is ideal in strengthening your buttocks and make your lower back firm.
- Tower Pulse – This exercise is suitable for the purpose of strengthening the transverse plane. It should be taken a few weeks after childbirth.

Top 10 Good Ab Exercises To Do At Home
Do we really need to burn the ab muscles or the „six-pack“? Is the look more important than functionality of abdominal muscles? Try these top ten ab exercises. Sit ups strengthen just a few muscle groups, are hard on your back and bad for you.
Proper Nutrition
Mothers who just gave birth need enough food for their nourishment and to produce milk for their lactating newborn babies. This clearly implies that you can’t cut the amount of food you need to consume every day.

Try to eat mostly healthy food
But if you want to get your figure back, it is ideal to cut the eating habits you developed during your pregnancy.
It is typical for pregnant women to develop insatiable craving of almost all types of food, and that’s normal. But weeks or months after giving birth, it is time to get back to shape by breaking away from those eating habits. To help deal with any temptation, ensure that your fridge is only packed with healthy foods.
Adjusting back to normal eating habits can be tricky, but just make sure that you take food with enough nutrients and calories as per the demand of your body.
Don’t forget to include fruits in your diet since they provide you with a range of nutrients that your body may require. However, always keep in mind that eating in moderation keeps you in a tip-top shape.

TRX Training – 20 Minute Workout Plan
Free home workout plan for weight loss and toning using TRX Suspension Trainer. With this TRX training you will workout not only butt muscles, but the whole body.
Trying to exercise on your own might not be attractive, but when you join hands with people (group training exercises), you are likely to feel encouraged and feel strong enough to be motivated.

TRX Training is one of the best group exersices
Trying to exercise on your own might not be attractive, but when you join hands with people, you are likely to feel encouraged and feel strong enough to be motivated.
TIP: Great Ways to Prepare for the Gym
Availing a fitness membership can also help since it allows you to meet with fitness experts and gives you an opportunity to try fitness programs.
There are guides that will show you how to go about your workout plan. Remember, you have just given birth; the last thing you need is exposing your body to any harmful exercise.

Health benefits of skipping rope exercise. Is it good for you?
Why to jump with skipping rope and what are the health benefits? Rope skipping belongs to fitness activities which help you burn more calories than running.
Breastfeeding will not only keep your child healthy, but it is also an effective way in losing some calories. It actually burns 500 to 700 calories daily, which is a big chunk off from your post-pregnancy weight.

Breastfeeding is an effective way in losing some calories
This is also good news since you can increase your food intake and quickly lose weight at the same time. It’s also safe and proven effective.
Unlike the aforementioned methods, breastfeeding is an easier and more relaxed way to lose weight. But as soon as you stopped lactating or your baby begins to wean, your needed calories will rapidly decrease. This means you’ll gain weight if you don’t make necessary changes in your diet and exercises.
Giving birth should not be a source of your worries and stress. But if you are not able to cope with the situation well, then you may have to get used to your postnatal figure. It is very important that you don’t let the condition get into your mind.
Follow the above guidelines, but if possible, seek sound advice from experts and from your doctor to ensure that you do everything in the right manner.